We are so thankful for all our wonderful friends who are choosing K9s 4 Mobility as their Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook. It takes but a few minutes to complete the information and invite your friends. Facebook takes no money for this and there is no need to send a lot of time preparing for it. In 2019, over $3,000 was raised on Facebook Birthday Fundraisers alone.
So, if you are willing to share your big day with us, we would so appreciate it. Facebook will notify you weeks prior to your birthday asking if you want to choose a charity. Just put in K9s 4 Mobility's name and poof, its done. Then simply invite your friends by clicking on the INVITE button and you are done! The money is sent straight to K9s 4 Mobility!
If you would like something specific to be purchased with the money raised, just put in one of the comments for us to see! Thanks for all your help!
