Assistance Dog Team Julie & Shiloh, February 2013
K9s 4 Mobility is the best! Service Dogs are well-trained and well-behaved. Yesterday I was at Austin Wheelchair getting my chair repaired. It's the third time I have been there with my K9s 4 Mobility trained Service Dog, Shiloh, in the last month. During yesterday's visit, the reception person said, "Your service dog is so well-behaved, so still and quiet." I said, "As she should be, thank you." Then the woman said something like, 'I've never seen a service dog in here that just lies still and doesn't fidget, and believe me I've seen plenty of them'. Thank you, Michelle Woerner!!
Assistance Dog Team Heather & Axle, July 2016

Yesterday was Axle & and my 2nd big adventure. Axle, Chad & I went to the county fair Demolition Derby! Axle did incredible! I did NOT expect him to be so cool with the noise after being at the fair with the balloons the day before. I'm so proud of him! Our bond is getting stronger by the day. I couldn't have asked better of a dog (let alone 1/2 as good) on our 3rd week together (2nd week out of training & and on our own).
Assistance Dog Team Cathy & Laddie, January 2015

My name is Cathy Sousa and I have known Michelle Woerner for about 12 years. I have been blessed with my 2 dogs who were trained by Michelle. I am so proud of my babies, Klinger (a beautiful Golden Retriever who is now 12) and my newest Laddie (the most gorgeous Smooth Collie). Klinger is retired and Laddie is learning more each day. I have MS and lower back problems that are a real problem. Klinger used to brace, retrieve, and do all I needed at the time I got him. He is so intelligent and very easygoing. I could not have asked for a better partner! Laddie came to me in January just in time for my birthday. He is sensitive and keys into my mood. When I got sick, a dog was the last thing on my mind. A friend told me about service dogs and how independent I could be if I had one trained for my needs. So, I looked into it and eventually got Klinger. Having a service dog gave me the freedom to go everywhere I wanted, and I felt awesome because I knew he would watch out for me. He was a friend that I realized could meet any of my needs at any time and I felt so relaxed. I had the freedom I was afraid I would lose. Now, Klinger has retired, and it is my husband's turn to be his person. Laddie is my new partner, and we too will be great together. Recently, I cried, and Laddie got right up on my chair put his front paws around my neck, and proceeded to kiss me again and again. What a lucky lady I am to be loved and cared for as both pups have done so well for me. I can live a life that I thought was a dream that would never happen because I was physically challenged. Thanks to my service dogs, I am still me. God bless all service dogs and the people who train them!

Assistance Dog Team Monica & Gabby, February 2017
It's been nearly two weeks of training with my service dog, Gabby. We have learned a lot together and I feel fortunate to have been supported by K9s 4 Mobility and Michelle Woerner, my trainer. Graduation day was February 13th! My husband Tom and I often talk about how our lives were so different before Gabby and how wonderful she is.
Facility Courtroom Dog Team Cindy & Sundance, May 2020

Sundance, aka Sunny, joined the District 6 District Attorney's Office in OK serving four counties of which Jason Hicks is the District Attorney. On the second day of our training, we were asked to participate in a court hearing. This juvenile had previously been very disruptive and the Assistant Attorney in charge wanted to see if Sunny would make the juvenile calmer. Sunny was lying on his work blanket at the defense table where the juvenile was sitting so she could pet him and then rest her feet against his side. The juvenile remained calm throughout the hearing and the judge was very impressed, praising Sunny for his work. Since then, Sunny has been involved with several juvenile hearings, criminal hearings, and meeting with child victims, and he has done his job every time just as he was trained. Recently, there were two child victims, one 12 and one 17, sisters who wanted Sunny to come into the courtroom with them even though they would be sitting in the audience for the defendant's plea. Sunny laid on his blanket at their feet and then when asked accompanied them into the judge's chambers. The younger sister walked Sunny on his leash from the courtroom to the chambers and then Sunny laid down beside her but resting his head on the other sister's feet.
Sunny's presence has positively affected every person he has met, whether it's a victim, courthouse employee or someone he comes in contact with within the office or when he is taking a break outside. District 6 DA's office is proud to have Sunny as a member of the team!

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